Carlo Antonio Testore?
Carlo Antonio Testore?
Instrument: violin
Classification: 3 Chordophones / 32 Composite chordophones / 321 Lutes / 321.3 Handle lutes / 321.32 Necked lutes / 321.322 Necked box lutes or necked guitars / 321.322-71 Necked box lutes or necked guitarswith a bow
Violin maker: Carlo Antonio Testore
Date: 1741 [?]
Town: Milan [?]
Country: Italy
Inventory number: KIL-6, identification no. MKiS XV-C-6
Provenance: bought on 19 Jan. 1957 from Lidia Kmit
Description: individual style; two-piece spruce belly, two-piece sycamore back; varnish in light brown shades; maintained by K. Bendowski (1965)
Inscriptions: printed label reading Carlo Antonio Testore figlio maggiore / del fù Carlo Giuseppe in Contrada lar- / ga al segno dell’ Aquila Milano 17(41) ; printed corrector’s label reading: KORYGOWAŁ Kazimierz Bendowski / art.-lutnik / POZNAŃ 1965
Measurements: body length 360 mm, upper bout 165 mm, middle bout 110 mm, lower bout 206 mm, total length 607 mm
Materials: spruce, sycamore
Violinists: Anna Maria Staśkiewicz (Third Prize at the 2006 International H. Wieniawski Violin Competition in Poznań); Anna Malesza (participant of the second stage of the 2016 H. Wieniawski International Violin Competition in Poznań)
Catalog card: based on the Union of Polish Artist Violin Makers’ documentation
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